[Blog] Pursuing a Purposeful Career in Human Services

A Career in Human Services When people think about human services, “helping” is usually the first thing that comes to mind. People pursue a career in human services for a variety of reasons. However, the ability to make an impact seems to rise to the top of the list. The impact you make in human […]

[Blog] Employment Stability in Human Services and Education

Economic Uncertainty Affecting the Labor Market It’s a time of considerable economic uncertainty. If you spend any time on LinkedIn, you’ve probably seen an increase in posts announcing layoffs. I know I certainly have. Fears of recession lead to anxiety for many professionals. According to LinkedIn’s Workforce Confidence Index, people with the most anxiety over […]

[Podcast] Recruiting Unlocked Episode 3: Strategic Planning with Krista Beljan, Dame Leadership – Part 1

Check out our new podcast, Recruiting Unlocked! Overview Recruiting Unlocked is joined by special guest Krista Beljan of Dame Leadership. Krista is a leadership consultant with Dame Leadership. Her role involves strategic planning, executive coaching and leadership development for individuals and teams across central PA and beyond. She has a master’s in organizational development and […]

[Blog] Developing Your Human Services Staffing Plan

It’s a common scenario: you want to be strategic about your staffing plans, but you don’t know where to start. The foundation of a great staffing plan is built on asking the right questions. Where are you now? Where do you want to be? Setting Goals Setting goals helps to establish your desired future state. […]