Career Counseling

Unlock Your Career Potential with Personalized Career Counseling

Are you a skilled professional in public education, human services, or one of the professional services industries seeking the next step in your career journey?

At Ascend Career Services we understand that finding the right job isn’t just about matching skills with job descriptions; it’s about finding a career that aligns with your values, goals, and lifestyle.  Earning your degree, certification, or license wasn’t easy, so let’s make it count!
  • Tailored Job Matching:

    Our team specializes in recruiting for schools, nonprofit organizations, and small to medium-sized businesses across the US. With our extensive network and industry expertise, we can connect you with opportunities that align with your qualifications, interests, and career goals.

  • Holistic Approach:

    We understand that finding the right job is about more than just salary. Our career counseling services take into account factors such as pay, schedule, work-life balance, opportunities for advancement, and more. We work closely with you to identify what matters most in your career and find positions that meet your needs.

  • Relocation Support:

    Considering a move to a different part of the country? We've got you covered. Relocating for a job can be a daunting process, but our team can provide valuable insights into factors such as cost of living, taxes, housing market, and local amenities. We'll help you make an informed decision about whether a relocation is right for you and support you every step of the way.

  • Expert Guidance:

    With our deep understanding of the industries we recruit for, we can offer expert guidance and advice throughout your job search process. Whether it's resume writing tips, interview preparation, or negotiating salary offers, we're here to help you succeed.

Get Started Today

Ready to take the next step in your career journey?

Schedule a consultation with us today. Together, we'll explore your goals, assess your options, and chart a course towards a fulfilling and rewarding career. At Ascend Career Services your success is our priority. Let us help you unlock your full potential and achieve your career aspirations.