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[Podcast] Recruiting Unlocked Episode 4: Strategic Planning and Recruiting with Krista Beljan, Dame Leadership – Part 2


Recruiting Unlocked is joined by special guest, Krista Beljan of Dame Leadership. Krista is a leadership consultant with Dame Leadership. Her current role involves strategic planning, executive coaching and leadership development for individuals and teams across central PA and beyond.  She has a master’s in organizational development and leadership, several certifications and more than two decades of experience as an HR professional in human services and manufacturing environments.  In her most recent career adventure, Krista spent the last 6 years in higher education workforce development facilitation and leadership development before joining Dame Leadership in the summer of 2022.

This episode is Part 2 of 2 total in the series with Krista. In this episode, we continue the discussion about the importance of strategic planning in your organization and how recruiting can affect your long-term goals.

Get In Touch With Us

If you have questions for Krista, she can be reached via email at or on Linked In.

Interested in learning more about Ascend Career Services? Email us at or contact us via phone at 717-477-2745.

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