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[Blog] Crafting the Perfect Pitch for Candidates: Part 3

In Part 2 of this blog series . . .

We reviewed the “building blocks” of your benefits guide, which supports your overall “pitch” when interviewing candidates.

Your company’s benefits package can often significantly impact overall job satisfaction and financial well-being, and far too few employers provide candidates with a quick and easy way to digest the package. For instance, do you give your candidates a one-page, simple outline of their benefit options? Or, do you only provide them with the 50-page summary plan description once they are offered the job? While summary plan descriptions are thorough and detailed, hardly anyone is going to read them in their entirety, and even fewer people will understand what’s being offered to them. A one pager highlighting your most important offerings can be the difference between someone understanding and appreciating your benefits plan . . . and maybe even accepting or rejecting a job offer.

Below, you will find a sample benefits guide that will hopefully help you build one of your own!

Happy interviewing!

Benefits Guide Sample

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