[Blog] Crafting the Perfect Pitch for Candidates: Part 3

In Part 2 of this blog series . . . We reviewed the “building blocks” of your benefits guide, which supports your overall “pitch” when interviewing candidates. Your company’s benefits package can often significantly impact overall job satisfaction and financial well-being, and far too few employers provide candidates with a quick and easy way to […]

[Blog] Crafting the Perfect Pitch for Candidates: Part 2

Portrait of smiling female candidate

As discussed in Part 1 of this blog series . . . Discussing benefits during the job interview is not only prudent but essential to helping secure quality candidates. Below, I’ve provided a list of questions that will help you build your benefits guide. “Selling” Your Organization Starts with Asking the Right Questions Medical When […]

[Blog] Crafting the Perfect Pitch for Candidates: Part 1

Picture this . . . You’re getting ready to interview a candidate. You have a list of questions ready, their resume on hand, and a set of expectations that you hope they can meet. But, have you given any thought to how YOU can sell THEM on your open position and your company? “Sell” can […]

[Blog] The Sustainability of Human Services

For several years, human services organizations have competed for labor with the supply chain and warehousing industry, which was booming as a result of the pandemic. However, the Wall Street Journal reports that industrial property construction has fallen significantly, along with warehouse employment. Obviously, the warehousing industry isn’t going anywhere any time soon, but it […]

[Blog] The State of Non-Profit Employment

The National Council of Nonprofits has released its 2023 Nonprofit Workforce Survey Results. Here are some of the key points. Job Vacancies Persist 75% of responding organizations reported job vacancies. 52% of organizations have more vacancies than they did before COVID. 28% of organizations have seen an increase to their waitlist for services. Vacancies have […]

[Blog] The Great Resignation is Over

The Great Resignation is seemingly over. Is that a good thing? Quit rates, which are back to pre-pandemic levels, could be affected by people’s lack of confidence in the job market; however, concerns over the job market may be unfounded. Job openings rebounded in August, and the labor market does not seem to be cooling […]